File Diagnose Options -------------------- • Select the "Diagnose Files When Opened" option to have the Virex® INIT automatically diagnose a file as it is opened. It is strongly recommended that you activate this option! If any trace of a virus or Trojan Horse is found, an alert will appear with the following information: If a Trojan Horse is found , the choices are either "Repair" to delete the file or "Deny Access" to prevent the file from being opened. If a virus is found, the choices are either "Repair" to remove the virus from the infected file, or "Deny Access" to prevent the virus from infecting your computer. If a partial virus is found that cannot cause further infection, the choices are either "Repair" to remove the virus or "Continue" to allow the file to be opened. • Select the "Show Icon While Diagnosing" option for the Virex®INIT to display a small icon in the center of the screen to indicate that it is active. • Select the "Check For HyperCard Virus" to diagnose HyperCard® stacks. This will not affect the diagnosis of the HyperCard application. Disabling this option will improve scanning speed. • Select the "Allow Repairs By The VirexINIT" option for the Virex®INIT to be able to repair any infected files found. • The "Check Files Using Record/Scan Data" is an Expert level feature described in the Virex User's Guide on page xx. Enabling this option allows the Virex® INIT to scan executed files for known viruses and for any changes in a file that may be indicative of an unknown virus. In order for the INIT to be able to scan a file for unknown viruses, it must know what the file 'looked' like before infection. This information is found in a Record/Scan file that the Virex® application can create. If this option is selected, the Virex® INIT will look for the Record/Scan file and compare the executed file to the data contained within the Record/Scan file. If a change is noted, the INIT will alert you. If a Record/Scan file cannot be found, the file will only be scanned for known viruses.